Arby’s, RTM
Objective: To create a long term “coupon” that a customer would keep and re-use often, due to its convenience and ease of use.
Strategy & Execution: Every fast-food chain distributes paper coupons in the mail or as Sunday paper inserts. But how many of those coupons are actually in the car when the consumer is ready to make a purchase? The Arby’s Discount Key Card offers a permanent discount to anyone holding the card, and, as a key tag, it’s always with the diner. Better still, every time the diner takes their keys out of their pocket, they’re always, “Thinking Arby’s.” This is a no limit, non-expiring coupon that has actually increased the average ticket by twenty cents. Initially targeting college students in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, area, the card became an enormous success and is being strongly considered for roll-out as a nationwide item. Arby’s is the first in its industry to offer a loyalty key tag program; apparently, “Thinking Arby’s” means “thinking smart!”
Results: One store in the target area reported a 25% sales increase due to use of the card. Another store reports that 25% of its guests are card users. With this brilliant, but simple idea, Arby’s has broken through the “coupon clutter.”